
Giant Apothecary Cabinet – Part 4 of 5

Oh My Gosh – this thing really looks big now that all the sections are glued together.  I always have problems with this part, I know what the final measurements will be but somehow I can never truly translate that in my imagination as to how it will really look when it’s “made”.  So, as… Continue reading Giant Apothecary Cabinet – Part 4 of 5


Giant Apothecary Cabinet – Part 3 of 5

Okay, we’re rolling now!  So I’ve trimmed all the boards I needed to, I’ve checked that all eight units fit together properly and I’ve taken everything back apart and am ready to paint. Since this is going to be such a large project, and I frequently use black acrylic paint in my crafting, I decided… Continue reading Giant Apothecary Cabinet – Part 3 of 5


Giant Apothecary Cabinet – Part 2 of 5

So as you can see above, I actually started on my Giant Apothecary way back on December 10, 2016.  I started out slowly on this project as I was still getting Christmas orders into my Etsy shop and since my Etsy customers always come first, I would drop whatever I was doing until that order… Continue reading Giant Apothecary Cabinet – Part 2 of 5


Giant Apothecary Cabinet – Part 1 of 5

FIRST THINGS FIRST Where have I been?  Well, for Christmas I decided to give myself a broken shoulder. Technically, I broke it on the 23rd, but anyways, it certainly knocked me out of creative crafting mode. I had such grand plans, too !   I had just about decided that the Christmas rush (custom orders… Continue reading Giant Apothecary Cabinet – Part 1 of 5