
Banana Hanger + Bird Cage + Skeletons = Halloween Decor (?) Part 2 of 2

Time to wrap this project up!  Since I decided to make the bottom of the banana hanger into a maw with teeth then it only seems right that the outside of the ‘mouth’ will need skin, or in this case, scales.  I chose an alligator hide embossed paper in a tan color.  As I much… Continue reading Banana Hanger + Bird Cage + Skeletons = Halloween Decor (?) Part 2 of 2


Banana Hanger + Bird Cage + Skeletons = Halloween Decor (?) Part 1 of 2

“When someone told me I live in a fantasy land, I nearly fell off my unicorn.” Anonymous Just acknowledging the fact that I’m a bit weird, but I’ve learned to embrace it and now I just go with the flow when I see a bird cage at a second hand store and think ‘I could… Continue reading Banana Hanger + Bird Cage + Skeletons = Halloween Decor (?) Part 1 of 2


Halloween Humor – Lighten Up People!

This is MY TIME OF YEAR – I love Fall, all the colors, the cooler temps and HALLOWEEN. It’s also the start of the ‘Holiday Season’ which has many folks groaning as they check the available balance on their credit cards (Christmas) uggh.  I say forget Christmas – Halloween is the best holiday of the… Continue reading Halloween Humor – Lighten Up People!